Lectures 2023

The role of acupuncture in somatization symptoms by Aggeliki Petropoulou

There is a big cluster of somatic symptoms that have an emotional origin. Sleep disorders, digestive and appetite problems, stiff muscles and many more are often related to precedent inner emotional conflict. Is acupuncture a solution to such problems?

Integrative approach  to skin rejuvenation  and Holistic wellness by Michael Tarabe

Our intervention aims to explore the beneficial combined and integrative application of acupuncture and modern personalized medicine. The possibility of this application will offer tangible and spectacular therapeutic results in the prevention and treatment especially of chronic diseases.

The practical information and training of individuals in simple but effective methods in promoting self-care that could significantly influence the progression of diseases.

This short presentation will give impetus to interested clinicians to deal with important factors of health maintenance and prevention such as:  diet (Mediterranean), body-mind-emotion axis techniques (stress management approaches), sleep optimization and physical activity. Other key areas such as environmental protection will also be briefly mentioned (pollution levels, contamination, personal growth (growth and learning), relationships (Family, Friends and Colleagues), and Spirit and Soul (living with meaning and purpose).

In addition to personal health care, Acupuncture will be used as a basic but at the same time the key therapeutic process that will bring in other substantial tools from conventional care, such as medications, other complementary and integrated health approaches (CIH), mind-body techniques and nutritional supplements.

We believe this holistic combined medical approach is necessary for the effective maintenance of Health and the basic principles of application in our daily medical practice will be presented.

Integrative Health can support prevention and treatment of skin problems.

Every aspect of self-care influences can influence skin health.

This includes Nutrition (e.g., eating a Mediterranean or DASH Diet), Mind and Emotions (e.g.,stress management approaches), Recharge (optimizing sleep), and Physical Activity (e.g.,coming up with a personalized activity plan). It also includes Surroundings (pollution levels, work environment), Personal Development (growing and learning), relationships (Family, Friends and Co-workers), and Spirit and Soul (living with meaning and purpose). Beyond selfcare, professional care is also important, including conventional care, such as medications and procedures, as well as complementary and integrative health (CIH) approaches like mind-body techniques, acupuncture, and taking dietary supplements.

Auricular Acupuncture, historical review, therapeutic applications and stimulation techniques by Nives Scarale

Auricular Acupuncture-Auricular Therapy belongs to the microsystems of somatic acupuncture, which are part of complementary medicine as established by the WHO. Historical references to practices applied on the ear for therapeutic purposes, date back to the great civilizations of the past (Egyptian, Greek, Roman).
Ιn modern times, the father of Acupuncture – Auricular Therapy is Dr Paul Nogier, who in France, in the 1950s, thanks to his observation and intuition, determined that in the auricle of the ear there is a representation of bodily structures and functions. In 1957 he published the first Auricular map. Then the Chinese also published their own Auricular chart and this brought growing interest internationally, with the birth of various schools (Germany, Russia, USA, Italy, etc.) around the world that contributed to a crescendo of scientific and clinical research.

Εspecially during the last 20 years, thanks to neurophysiological studies, the particular triple auricular innervation (Vagal-Trigeminal-Spinal), and the use of advanced imaging instruments, we have partially succeeded in understanding the working mechanisms that have therapeutic effects on pain (Musculoskeletal, Neuropathic, Central, Visceral, Migraines, etc.) but also in functional disorders (Psycho-somatic, Addictions, Depression, Epilepsy, Nutritional disorders, etc.) simply by stimulating the auricle with the use of: pressure stimuli, auricular needle, semi-permanent needles or with the use of both epidermal (Auricular Percutaneous Nerve Stimulation) and transdermal electrostimulation (Auricular Transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation) at auricular points.

According to search engines, there is an abundance of publications in the scientific databases confirming the effect and effectiveness of auricle stimulation in multiple pathologies.

Intelligent moxibustion robot driven by Knowledge graph by Tiancheng Xu

Acupuncture research with multidisciplinary participation has yielded rich achievements. Acupuncture intelligence has been developed for decades through the joint efforts of scholars and companies both domestically and internationally. Thanks to technologies such as lightweight robotic arms and flexible mechanical hands, an increasing number of intelligent acupuncture devices have gradually transitioned from laboratories to clinical settings, serving hundreds of patients. This lecture will first review the research on acupuncture robots in the 1980s and publicly showcase relevant historical materials for the first time. Building upon this foundation, it will delve into the core functions and clinical applications of intelligent moxibustion robots, which have obtained Class II medical device registration certificates from NMPA. It is pleasantly surprising that this robot has already been implemented in various departments of numerous high-level hospitals and has been exported to the United States. Finally, the lecture will demonstrate research on algorithms that drive intelligent acupuncture devices, specifically focusing on the role of knowledge graphs in the intelligent transformation of acupuncture.

Addiction Medicine and Acupuncture by Konstantina Theodoratou

Addiction is a very common, chronic health and behavioral disorder.  Main characteristics of the disorder is that involves compulsive seeking and taking of a substance or performing of an activity despite negative or harmful consequences for health and everyday life. There are many reasons why addictions begin but there is a common point: all types of addictions have the purpose to change a person’s emotional state. Addiction is a treatable condition.

There are many services, treatments and care centres that help with counselling and managing withdrawal. Acupuncture has been used and helped thousands of addictive patients worldwide. We will present the different types of acupuncture that can be used in order to help people with different types of addictions.


Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine by Isabel Girald

 The concept of Integrative Medicine has been present in our professional  lives for some decades. In this presentation We will talk about what Integrative Medicine really is, the role it has to play in conventional medicine, how to improve medicine with integrative medicine and how to link medical acupuncture with integrative medicine. 
As the Spanish poet Antonio Machado said  ” Caminante no hay camino se hace camino al andar” ” There is no path , the path is made by walking “
The path is being made  and We are part of it .

Modern Applications of Classical Acupuncture Methods in South Korea by Yoomin Choi

Korean medicine is constantly expanding with the development of medical devices and technology. In this presentation, I would like to introduce you to the modern clinical applications of traditional Korean medicine acupuncture techniques.

First, I would like to introduce you to pharmacopuncture. Classically known as ‘hydro- acupuncture’, pharmacopuncture is a therapy that combines herbal medicine and acupuncture treatment by injecting medicinal needles into acupuncture points according to traditional Korean medical theory.

The second is thread-embedding therapy. Acupuncture needles and leftover thread are applied to acupoints to create a lasting effect. It is a popular acupuncture method, especially for pain treatment and aesthetic procedures.

The third is acupotomy. The blade-like tip of the needle is utilized to detach adhesions in soft tissues, especially for chronic diseases. Finally, there’s laser acupuncture. Laser acupuncture using LLLT(Low-level laser therapy), also known as ‘cold laser’, is a non-invasive treatment that minimizes patients’ rejection of acupuncture and promotes therapeutic effects.

At this point, acupuncture treatment in South Korea is dreaming of diversifying in various directions. We hope that the acupuncture methods introduced here can be utilized in the Greek medical environment.

Integrative Sports Medicine by George Lazarou

Integrative Medicine combines practices and treatments from alternative medicine with conventional medicine. It pretty much coincides with the definition of medical acupuncture, i.e. the practice of acupuncture by highly trained MDs, who cannot loose their western perspective, even when they wish to. Integrative Sports Medicine includes the use of needles, along with other modalities.

However, Acupuncture is not just putting needles where it hurts. It should follow a proper medical diagnosis and the exclusion of other possible causes.

A basic work up is of the outmost importance and vitamin D levels should be considered compulsory in all cases of unexplained musculoskeletal symptoms in otherwise healthy adults and adolescents. Vitamin D supplementation is equally important, possibly equal to acupuncture itself, in selected cases. PTH and TSH should also be included, despite the trend for an easy (and most often unnecessary) MRI scan. Physiotherapy and massage is often prescribed on a daily basis, unlike stretching, which is not so popular to many elite athletes, even in the presence of a long history of muscular injuries. In these cases, muscle stretching, whether dynamic or static, may prevent recurrences, while Preemptive Acupuncture, in selected cases, may further reduce recurrences.

New modalities in Pain Medicine by Emmanuela Koutoulaki

Pain is a kind of complex physiological and psychological symptom, which makes the person debilitated and uncomfortable. Some persistent pain is unbearable for the patients, reducing the quality of life and bringing considerable pressure to the individuals and society. Pain killers seem to be effective in analgesia for patients, but their safety and addiction are crucial issues.

There are numerous methods to relieve pain. So far, the most effective drugs to relieve pain are opioids, and the most widely used drugs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); at the same time, addiction, drowsiness, and other side effects could not be ignored. The severe opioid crisis is a tough issue that deserves more attention. It is urgent to search for some safe therapeutic approach to deal with the present emergency. Due to the lack of analgesic drugs with positive curative effects but no apparent side effects, the research of alternative treatment methods has further promoted.

From the theory of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the blocked meridian is the main cause of pain, and effective acupuncture can play a positive analgesic effect. Acupuncture that can date back thousands of years is one of the ancient medical practices in China. Its safety and effectiveness are respected. Based on its superior safety and inferior side effects, it has been gradually recognized as a therapeutic intervention method for complementary medicine, which is also generally used to treat multiple pain diseases.

Acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment in pain relief. Available evidence showed that acupuncture alleviates acute pain in conditions such as post- operative pain, acute back pain, labour pain, primary dysmenorrhea, tension-type headaches and migraines. In addition, acupuncture relieves chronic pain, for example, low back pain (LBP), knee osteoarthritis (KOA), headache, shoulder pain, and neck pain.

Auricular Neuroreflex Method - Auriculartherapy - Auricular acupuncture in the treatment of acute conditions by Theodoros Gatzounis

Introduction: The Auricular Neuroreflex Method (ANM), is a term that includes techniques that use auricular microsystem to treat conditions of the whole organism. Depending on the method of intervention (seeds, pressure on the ear lobe, needles, electrical stimulation), the method is classified as Auricular Therapy, Ear Acupressure, Ear Acupuncture, Electro-Auricular Acupuncture.

Purpose: The presentation of ANM protocols for treatment of acute situations, using the appropriate ways of intervention in each situation.

Methods: Protocols of the method will be presented for acute situations and in particular for:

  • Hypertension crisis,
  • Allergy,
  • Treatment of Fever – Tonsillitis,
  • Acute non-productive Cough and
  • Acute pain from shoulder injury.

Results: Papers from the International literature and clinical cases concerning the conditions we will analyze, showed significant benefits in terms of reducing symptoms and pain, through statistical analysis and visual analog scale (VAS). Results were immediately observed in all cases treated.

Discussion: The principle of the method is based on the fact that there are nerve stems in the pinna of the ear, which are activated through specific ear points and they have a neuro-reflexive effect on the autonomic nervous system. In this way, ANM can affect the entire body and achieve pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, muscle-relaxing, anxiolytic effects, improvement in mood, hypertension and immune function. ANM treats both chronic and acute conditions with positive and immediate results.

Conclusions: ANM can be used in acute situations to relieve symptoms and reduce pain in patients with acute injury. This conclusion is in alignment with the international literature. It is of course necessary, as in any case of first aid in acute situations, to refer the person to secondary medical care.

Acupuncture in Oncology and Palliative Care. Experience of TCM Acupuncture Department of Federal University of Sao Paulo by Marcia Yamamura

Acupuncture for the treatment of cancer patients and under palliative care has grown in the last decade.
Being considered as Complementary and Integrative Traditional Medicine by the World Health Organization (WHO), Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture dialogue with contemporary and conventional medicine in the context of Integrative Medicine to treat numerous symptoms that are highly prevalent among patients, such as pain, anxiety, depression, nausea and vomiting, and, without a doubt, in the improvement of the patient’s quality of life.
At Hospital São Paulo, the teaching hospital of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), is a public institution inserted in Public Health System of Brazil. In this high complexity hospital, Acupuncture is part of the list of clinical procedures available for hospitalized patients. Palliative and oncology patients also receive follow up treatment in the Acupuncture Ambulatory and Acupuncture Urgent Care Unit in the same institution.
The pioneering results show to be promising, especially in women with breast cancer, patients with head and neck tumors, intestinal cancer.
Map of Evidence in Traditional Chinese Medicine interventions and Acupuncture
Presentation of evidence maps on the effects of acupuncture, auriculotherapy, moxibustion, cupping, mind-body practice and herbal medicine for health outcomes. From a broad bibliographic search in the main databases of medical publications, review studies (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) were used to produce the evidence map.

Introduction of recent trends of Korean Medicine by Dongwoo Nam

Background: As medical environment changed during the COVID 19 pandemic period. On-line learning systems have been developed and various new courses have become popular.

Method: I will introduce what the Korean Medicine Doctors seek to learn these days. Some unique acupuncture methods being used in Korea, and the recent trends of specialized clinics in Korea.

Results: Some courses that are highly popular these days are, Clinical Sonography, Clinical Radiology, Chuna – Chiropractic, Know-Hows of Franchise Korean Medicine Clinic Networks, Application of Herbal Prescriptions, Insurance Covered Herbal Medicines and New Acupuncture Techniques. Then I will introduce the acupuncture theories such as Sa-am Acupuncture, 1 point Acupuncture, Dong-xi acupuncture, Balance Acupuncture, and Tae-guk Acupuncture.

Conclusion: Korean Medicine clinics and hospitals are becoming more modernized, specialized and standardized.

Keywords: Clinical practice guideline; Herbal medicine; Korean medicine; traditional medicine


Experience and Stategies in the clinical practise of medical acupuncture - Step by step guide to an Integral and integrative approach by Francisco Lozano MD, PhD & Fernando Alcala MD

We consider that the clinical practice of medical acupuncture performed within an integrative and integral approach, based both on the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and on the contributions and advances of modern medicine offers more satisfactory therapeutic results.

During the development of the presentation, the experiences and clinical strategies that have been implemented and consolidated in our integrative medicine center over more than 30 years will be explained in the form of a guide.

We believe that it is essential to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis by making a complete medical history that also includes the relevant aspects for the diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine, evaluating the patient’s overall health condition, involving the physical, mental and emotional aspects.  Establish the therapeutic goal and strategies necessary to address the diseases suffered by the patient, as well as to regulate and balance their body and provide preventive maintenance.

The different stages of the treatment will be explained step by step, as well as the development of a conventional acupuncture session, describing the appropriate, timely and orderly use of different main and complementary techniques.

We emphasize that there must be a good relationship and communication with the patient, who must be transmitted confidence and inspire security, in an atmosphere of harmony, peace and tranquility.

We can systematize this guide based on thirteen relevant aspects:

1) The doctor-patient relationship, 2) Integrative Medicine, 3) Integral Diagnosis, 4) Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine (Syndromatic Differentiation), 5) Diagnosis in Western Medicine, 6) Therapeutic strategy, 7) Patient preparation, 8) Main techniques, 9) Complementary techniques, 10) Prognosis and feedback with the patient, 11) Follow-up, 12) Laboratory and cabinet studies, 13) Reference to other specialists.