Program 2019

Saturday 1st June 2019

9.30-10.00 Opening
Chair – K.Theodoratou – M.Tarabe
10.00-10.30 Lifestyle Medicine: an introduction to the new field of medicine that contributes to better health Dr. Ioannis Arkadianos, MD , GP, Vice President ELMO – Greece
10.30-11.00 Acupuncture as a tool of Lifestyle Medicine Dr. K.Theodoratou MD, Med Psyc, MSc Acupuncture, ICMART- Greece
11.00-11.30 High tech Crystal Light Therapy application on acupoints for prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases Dr. M. Tarabe, MD, MSc, PhD, FEBOPRAS – Greece
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-12.30 Yangsheng- A truly personalized medicine Dr. Anita Meyer MD -Switzerland
12.30-13.00 The contribution of acupuncture in health and wellbeing: treatment of amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea in women in the different countries of the world. Dr. Paola Poli MD, ALMA, AGOM- Italy
13.00-13.30 The role of oxidative stress in the woman, an alternative view in sub-fertility Dr. Gregory Kyroussis MD, Gynecologist-Greece
13.30-14.30 Lunch break
Chair – Ε. Tsalkama – Ε. Xomeritaki
14.30-15.00 Acupuncture treatments in gynecology & general medicine as evidenced by infrared thermoimaging. Dr A.C. Sant’Ana MD, Bauru Estadual Hospital- Brazil
15.00-17.00 Workshop I: Lifestyle and Acupuncture for addictions Dr. K.Theodoratou MD, Med Psyc, MSc Acupuncture, ICMART- Greece

Sunday 2nd June 2019

Chair – G. Lazarou – A. Tsirigioti
09.00-10.00 WorkShop IΙ: Lifestyle medicine with the component of medical acupuncture in the emergent new wholistic management/reverse of cardio-metabolic syndrome Dr G. Bellos MD, PhD, MRCGP, MEURACT, MEPMA- Greece
10.00-10.30  Acupuncture treatments, qigong and taijiquan and related techniques to improve lifestyle in cancer patients Dr. Carlo Moiraghi MD, ALMA, AGOM – Italy
10.30-11.00 Acupuncture, lifestyle and genuine Taekwon-do Dr G. Lazarou, MD, MSc, PhD, Orthopaedic Surgeon- Greece
11.00-11.30 The tyranny of the ‘shoulds’ in our personal life: How will I get rid of stress in my personal life and have more enjoyable relationships V.Vertopoulos, BSc Psychology, MSc Sport Psychology- Greece
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-12.30 Health Coaching intervention for lifestyle changes Dr. Eleni – Christina Isaia, MD, Anesthesiologist -Greece
12.30-13.00 Athletics and acupuncture Dr. E. Xomeritaki, MD, Orthopedic- Greece
13.00-13.30 Lifestyle Medicine in veterinary reality Dr E.Tsalkama DVM, Veterinarian, Acupuncturist
13.30-14.30 Lunch break
Chair – Ε. Tsalkama – A. Sant' Ana
14.30-15.00 Energy Psychology based on Acupuncture EFT R  Natzemy, Author – Greece
15.00-17.00 WorkShop ΙΙΙ: YNSA Yamamoto new scalp Acupunture Oskar Ausserer PhD & S. Psaroulakis- Italy/ Greece
17.00-17.30 Closing & Conclusions