Speakers 2015

Damir Shakambet MD Damir Shakambet MD, FISBM, FBRCP, UK
Dr Damir A Shakambet, MD, is a graduated medical school in 1984 and completed homeopathy, traditional oriental medicine, psychotherapy, osteopathy courses before undertaking integration in medicine based on the concept of system biology. He is one of the founder of the Bioregulatory Medicine and co-founder and current chairman of the International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine in London, United Kingdom. He has been practicing Bioregulatory and Environmental Medicine in the Biomedic Centre, London. Dr Shakambet has been developing an individualised and wholistic treatment to combat increasing incidence of degenerative and chronic diseases and aims to bring together conventional allopathic medicine with naturopathic disciplines, based on systems biology and bioinformatics that regulate homeostasis. He is international lecturer, University lecturer (Westminster University, London), member of academic boards and committees internationally, and has been founding specialist programmes in Bioregulatory Medicine worldwide; main editor of Bioregulating medicines Formulary (bhf).




Tatyana Bosh MD Dr Tatyana Bosh MD, MBRCP, MRSPH, FBSBM
As a young physician practicing general medicine, Dr Bosh enrolled on a postgraduate study of pharmacology in 1985, which ironically precipitated her enthusiasm towards exploring the drug-free medical approach. In 1995 and in teamwork with Dr Damir A Shakambet, she postulated principles of the Bioregulatory Health System, and devoted her professional life to the development and practice of Bioregulatory Medicine. Dr Bosh defined a condition of ‘latent disease’, and refers to it as the Presomatic Syndrome; and created a new therapeutic methodology, known as the Bioregulatory Psychosomatic Bodywork. In 2000 Dr Bosh was granted a lifetime membership to the UK’s Millenium Awards Fellowship, for her contribution to society in the treatment of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD). In 1995 Dr Bosh co-established the Biomedic Centre, and co-founded the Biomedic Foundation, a registered medical charity for research and education in Bioregulatory Medicine. Dr Bosh is the Medical Director of the Biomedic Centre, Director of Clinical Studies for the British Academy for Bioregulatory Medicine and President of the International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine. She is a member of the Royal Society for Public Health, a senior member of the British Register of Complementary Practitioners, an Honorary Member of Colegio Medico of La Paz and Honorary Fellow of the International Society for Bioregulatory Medicine. Dr Bosh has spent over 25 years refining the bioregulatory medical approach in practice; lecturing and promoting the concept of Bioregulatory Preventative and Regenerative Medicine worldwide.


Selanikli Magdalini Selanikli Magdalini, MSc, LLM, Greece
Magdalini Selanikli is regulatory affairs manager with the Greek company ISO Plus with specific responsibility for Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Romania. She holds a bachelor degree in political science from Aristotle University and a Masters in international relations and diplomacy from Leiden University. She is currently a candidate for an LLM in International Legal Practice from the University of Law in London. Through her expertise in food law and regulatory affairs, Magdalini is intimately familiar with the impact of EU and national legislation for food supplement and natural products’ companies placing products on the market. In particular, she has considerable insight into the challenges faced by EU companies when trying to enter the national market in other member states. She was elected to the EHPM board in March 2013. Magdalini has also been a board member of EHPM’s Greek member SESDI, where she is a liaison for the communication with the authorities, as well as with Greek MEPs and chairs EHPM’s communications working group in Brussels.





Konstantina TheodoratouKonstantina Theodoratou, MD, Med. Psyc., MSc in Acupuncture, President of Icmart, President of Samag, Athens (Greece)
Konstantina Theodoratou after completing her medical degree in the University of Athens and practising western medicine, went in China to study TCM and acupuncture inTianjin and Beijing Universities. Actively following the evolution of medical acupuncture through her 18 years practise was elected as President of ICMART in 2014. She further deepened her studies in Guangzhou (Canton) medical university acquriing her MSc in Acupuncture. She is also specialised im Medical Psychology and Addiction Counseling at the University of Athens . Recently she participated in research, concerning behavior patterns in relation to acupuncture by the Academy of Athens’ Biomedical Institute. She is also the president of the Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece (SAMAG) In the recent years she lectures in the Greek Educational Institute of Acupuncture, Samag and Greek Veterinarian Society.



Georgios J. BellosGeorgios J. Bellos, MD, PhD, MR CGP, MEPMA, Athens (Greece)
Dr. G. Bellos was born in SACRED (officially) city of Missolonghi , student in high school there and Athens and graduated from National and Kapodistrian University in Athens-Medical School. Then trained 3 years in General Practice/Family Medicine in Athens, and 2 years in Social Medicine-Public Health Medicine Crete-Medical School at Heraklion from which I was awarded my PhD in medical education. My first appointment was in Crete as Medical Director and continued in Athens Koropi Health Centre. Member of Royal College of GP’s London after a scholarship, with special training in Mental Health Promotion and Prevention, Health care management special training, and Molecular-Functional Medicine. My last but not least interest, since I am on medical acupuncture training scheme in Athens, is on the connection of molecular-personalized medicine with TCM and the


Dr. Michael TarabeDr. Michael Tarabe, MD, PhD, Dipl. BSBRM, FEBOPRAS, Plastic Surgeon, Athens (Greece)
Graduate Medical School University of Athens. Received the specialty of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in England where he practiced plastic surgery for several years . After his return to Greece he worked in the NHS where he offered his services as a Consultant in Latsio Burn Center and Plastic Surgery at Thriassion General Hospital of Elefsis West Attica. Awarded the Fellowship of the European Board of Plastic Surgeons in 1994, ( successful Fellowship examinations) (Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery). FEBOPRAS. Doctorate of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of Athens since 2004. ( PhD). Full member of the Greek Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery since 1993. Founding member of the Greek Society of Wound Healing and Ulcers. Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) Published Articles : Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, Burns, British Journal of Dermatology. Training in Bioenergetic Medicine (London, England). Diploma (Honors 1st) British Society for Bioregulatory Medicine Diploma in TCM Acupuncture Training in Homotoxicology , TFT Therapy and Reiki




George LazarouGeorge Lazarou, MD, MSc, PhD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Athens (Greece)
Orthopaedic surgeon, Residency in KAT Hospital, Kifissia, graduate of the Athens University Medical School, specialized in Hand Surgery, Sports Medicine and Children’s Orthopaedics. Holds an MSc degree in Bone Metabolic Disorders from the Medical School, University of Athens and a PhD in History of Medicine from the Medical School University of Athens. Main area of interest is osteoporosis and fractures. Use of diagnostic ultrasound for bone strength in primary care and musculoskeletal imaging using non-ionizing radiation. Through the participation in randomized treatment protocols of a long series of osteoporotic patients, he realized the extreme lack of efficient non-pharmacologic pain management which led to his fascination with acupuncture and related techniques. He is applying acupuncture in several pain management cases Runs a private practice in Northern Attica (Drossia and Oropos), focusing in pain management for orthopedic patients, mostly in the field of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.





Evdokia TsalkamaEvdokia Tsalkama, DVM Equine Practitioner, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Graduated from Szent Istvan University department of Veterinary Science, in Budapest Hungary. Working for the past 14 years as a veterinarian, co-owner of a mixed practice veterinary clinic (small animals and equines) in Northern Greece . Volunteered Vet for the equine clinic 2004 Olympics and Paralympics and CSIO **** in Athens October 2004. Studied Veterinary acupuncture and currently is in charge of the Veterinary division of the Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture of Greece. Future vet member of the Local board of horse riding of Northern Greece for the endurance discipline. Member of HVA(Hellenic Veterinary Association) and AFA (American Farriers Association).Other fields of interests include working on orthopedic shoeing cases, adhesive hoof materials used for hoof restoration and hoof deformities. Interested on exercising amateur farriery utilizing both cold or hot shaping and shoeing





Athanassios Vouloumanos MDAthanassios Vouloumanos MD, Oncologist, BMUK, BRCP, DiplAcu
Athanasios D. Vouloumanos graduated from the Medical School of the Charles University of Prague and he is Specialist of Radiation (Clinical) Oncology. He worked in Alexandra (main interest in Gynecological cancer and Brachytherapy) and Attikon Hospitals. In search for new approach to Health and subsequently to Oncology he studied in UK Bioregulatory Medicine, a new paradigm to how to see – to approach and finally try to treat human body and soul. He rewarded as a founding member of Bioregulatory Oncology from the International Academy of Bioregulatory Medicine. He has also diplomas in Homeopathy Homotoxicology (complete the first level IAH) and Acupuncture.





Dr Achilles E. GeorgiadisDr Achilles E. Georgiadis, MD, PhD, Rheumatologist
Dr Achilles E. Georgiadis graduated from theMedical School of the University of Athens in 1971 and he is Specialist of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. He obtained the first PhD Degree from the Medical School of the University of Athens and a second PhD Degree from the University Rene Descartes of Paris. He worked for ten years as a Medical Director at the International Pharmaceutical Company Ciba-Geigy. The last 20 years his is Director of the Osteoporosis and Musculoskeletal Department at LITO Gynecological Hospital in Athens.Dr A. Georgiadis is the writer of more than 150 articles and abstracts published in Greek and international medical journals and of 9 monographs concerning the diseases of musculoskeletal system. He has also made more than 600 presentations, all over Greece, on subjects concerning Rheumatology. He has been appointed as a Medical Consultant at many National and International Pharmaceutical Companies up to present.He is the owner and content manager of the following three scientific websites: a)www.myoskeletiko.com, b) www.osteonews.gr and c) www.xroniosponos.gr


Aggeliki TsirigotiAggeliki Tsirigoti, Dental Surgeon, Athens, Greece.
Dr. Aggeliki Tsirigoti graduated from Dental School of Athens University in 1980 and right after she specialized at maxillofacial surgery. After she visited the Acupuncture Tianjin Hospital in China in 1993 she decided to further investigate the challenge of acupuncture application in dentistry. So she studied and got the Acupuncture Certification from Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture, Greece. Also she deepens her studies by getting the Diploma of Acupuncture Teacher. Since then she is practicing dentistry and acupuncture in Athens. Aggeliki experts in acupuncture preoperatively and postoperatively applications. Recently she became a member of the Board of Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece and elected as the General Secretary of the association. She works as the Head of the Acu-Dental department of ATC, teaches acupuncture in Greece and lecturing in various congresses. Dr. Tsirigoti is one of the first dentists that add acupuncture in the simple dental treatment to provide a better result to her patients. As a very well experienced dentist-acupuncturist she loves to spread her knowledge to more and more colleagues every year.



Angelos M. EvangelouAngelos M. Evangelou, M.D, Ph.D
, born at 1947. Emeritus Professor of Medical Physiology, Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Ioannina,GR. Teaching and Research Member of the Lab. of Physiology ( March 1982 till August 2014) and emeritus Professor ( November 2014) . Head of Physiology Lab for 20 years and Director of the Clinical & Laboratory Section for 12 years. Medical Degree from Medical School, University of Athens (1971) Degree in Internal Medicine from Alexandra University Hospital of Athens (1975). Postdoctoral studies in Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm (Sweeden), UCL, London (G.B) and INSERM-CNRS, Paris (France). Research in Experimental Cancer, Antioxidants, Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, Cardiovascular and Kidney pathophysiology, EEG Analysis and Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. More than 470 publications and presentations in Scientific Conferences and National and International Journals, among which 115 in International Journals (eight of them in Electromagnetic Fields- I.F>350 and Citations> 2200).



Antonio Carlos Sant'AnaAntonio Carlos Sant’Ana, MD, Bauru Estadual Hospital, (Brazil)
Dr. Sant’Anais a MD General Practitioner and TCM Practitioner, withexperience in bothsystemic and microsystemicacupuncture. Hisacupuncturepracticecoversprivateofficeaswellasambulatorial and inpatienthospitalassistance. Presentlyworkingasanindependentresearcher in non linearmeasures, whichincludesfractalgeometry, quantumphysics, complexity and chaostheory. Hehas a Masterdegree in Public Health, working on the development of innovativetrends in medicalmeasures and the possiblemedicalapplications of fractals, chaos and complexity, aswellasdirectinghisactivitiestodatabasis and softwaredevelopment for non linearmeasures



Achilleas PistofidisAchilleas Pistofidis, MD, Surgeon
DrAchilleas Pistofides works as a Specialist Surgeon. He also is Accredited trainer in the application of Regional and Whole Body Hyperthermia. President of the Greek Society of Bioregulatory Medicine and Doctor in Charge of Department of Hyperthermia and Immunostimulation, Transbalkan Medical Center Thessaloniki Greece






Spyros KarkabounasSpyros Karkabounas, Biologist, Associate Professor of Environmental Physiology,Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ioannina
Dr Spyridon Karkabounas born in Ioannina, is a biologist andAssociate Professor of Environmental Physiology in the Faculty ofMedicine, in the University of Ioannina. He has publishedapproximately 400 papers in international journals and conferences’books, and his work has so far received approximately 1,000citations. His research focuses on chemical carcinogenesis and it’sinhibition or modification, on new anticancer drugs design anddevelopment, on cancer control methods development, on thestudy of platelet reactions and their role in metastasis, ontreatment of thrombosis as well as on the development ofnutraceutic schemes in order to address degenerative diseases. Allthe aspects of his 30-years research, are included in the widescientific field of free radicals and oxidative stress in Chemistry,Medicine and Biology. In the last fifteen years, he developselectromagnetic systems for the production of targetedelectromagnetic fields, in order to study and control the signaltransduction in physiological and pathophysiological biologicalsystems (cell-lines, cancer bearing animals, and humans) The lastthirty years consistently he colllaborates with universities andinstitutes in Greece and abroad