Speakers 2018

Paola Poli MD . AGOM President , FISA Research Commission, FISTIQ Treasurer , ALMA, Italy AGOM President – Acupuncture in the World. Teacher of Αcupuncture, Taijiquan and Qigong.  ALMA – Association of Lombard Doctors Acupuncturists. FISTQ – Italian Federation of Tuina and Qigong – Acupuncture Professor and Head of the FISA Research Commission – Italian Federation of Companies of  Acupuncture – Member of the Commission for Non-Conventional Medicines of the Order of Physicians of Milan. – Member of the Italian Civil Protection region of Lombardy – Director of the courses ALMA, teacher oh acupuncture and TCM at ALMA school.  Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2003 and graduated in acupuncture ALMA (Lombard Association of Acupuncturists medical doctors) and FISA (Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies) in 2006. Graduated in 2007 at the University Clinical Practice of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanjing, China, and received the ‘Certificate of the annual course of Postgraduate in Acupuncture and Complementary Methods” at ALMA school and the Certificate of Qigong Operator recognized ALMA and FISTQ. In 2005 obtained the certificate of auricular acupuncture Acudetox. Since 2004 practices sessions of acupuncture and Chinese medicine from her doctor’s office in Milan. Teacher of acupuncture and Chinese medicine ALMA and FISA, teaches at ALMA school of acupuncture. Teacher of qigong recognized ALMA and FISTQ (Italian Federation of Schools and Qigong Tuina) teaches the three-year course of qigong operators recognized ALMA and FISTQ. Teacher at some Master organized by Stratal University of Milan. Participates to the conferences and seminars of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Italy, Europe and presented six poster about Oncology Acupuncture and Acupuncture in an emergency in USA Congress (Boston, Washington, San Francisco) and publishes articles on italians journals of medicine and Chinese Medicin, principals on “FISA news” and “Olos and Logos” (Specifications on request). in June 2016 published the book “Acupuncture in an emergency” with CEA-Zanichelli publisher. In seotemder 2017 will publishing “Oncology Acupuncture”with CEA-Zanichelli publisher.       Carlo Moiraghi MD, President of A.L.M.A. , Vice President AGOM & FISTIQ, Italy A.L.M.A. – Lombard Assosation of Acupuncture Doctors. – AGOM Acupuncture in the World. – F.I.S.T.Q . Italian Federation of Tuina and Qigong – Director of A.L.M.A. School of acupuncture, Qigong and Taijiquan, adhering to F.I.S.A. Italian Federation of Acupuncture Society –  Member of the Commission for Non Conventional Medicines Order of Physicians and Dentists of Milan. – Member of the Technical Committee of the Lombardy for the study of Unconventional Medicine, its founding in 2000 to its dissolution. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the State University of Milan in 1978. Certificate training course in acupuncture in 1982. Graduated from the International Society of Acupuncture in Paris in 1982. Certificate of Advanced Course in the Academy of Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing in 1984. From 1991 to 2000 he was Councillor SIA – Italian Society of Acupuncture, which from 1994 to 1997 represented the Disclosure Office and Print. Since 1999 he has F.I.S.A. Board, which is representative for Lombardy. Among his publications, some translations of Chinese classics and more than a dozen of culture and traditional medicine texts, the last of which the practice of true Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine and the real China of today. Jaca Book, Milano 2011, 2013. For over thirty years has taught acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in various public and private school, including the State University of Milan, Pavia, Rome Tor Vergata, Rome La Sapienza. Participates in conferences and seminars of acupuncture and Chinese medicine and publishes articles of medical journals and Chinese medicine (Optional specification).       Dr Antonio C. Sant’Ana MD, Bauru Estadual Hospital, Brazil  Dr. Sant’Ana is a MD General Practitioner and TCM Practitioner, with experience in both systemic and microsystemic acupuncture. His acupuncture practice covers private office as well as ambulatorial and inpatient hospital assistance. Presently working as an independent researcher in non linear measures, which includes fractal geometry, quantum physics, complexity and chaos theory. He has a Master degree in Public Health, working on the development of innovative trends in medical measures and the possible medical applications of fractals, chaos and complexity, as well as directing his activities to data basis and software development for non linea         Professor George Chrousos, Athens, Greece George Chrousos is Professor of Pediatrics and Endocrinology and Director of the First Pediatric Clinic at the Medical School of the University of Athens, and since 2010 he holds the UNESCO Chair on Adolescent Health Care. Before his returning to Greece, he was Director of the Department of Pediatrics and Reproductive Endocrinology at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethpage, Maryland, and professor of pediatrics, physiology and biophysics at Georgetown University in Washington. Prof. Chrousos’s research has focused on the physiology of glucocorticoid hormones, hormones involved in maintaining homeostasis and adaptations to changes in exogenous or endogenous conditions, which are probably the most central feature of life. Glucocorticoids, the final hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, are a cornerstone of this process, given their roles in behavioral and physical / energy adjustments to stress. Glucocorticoids act on many elements of the genome from any other marker molecule, and also affect the epigenome and affect mitochondrial function. Prof. Chrousos has been globally recognized for his research into the molecular signal transduction of glucocorticoids in the cell, adrenal axis diseases and the physiological and molecular mechanisms of stress. He has contributed significantly to biomedical literature and his offer has opened up new horizons to a range of chronic complex human disorders such as depression, metabolic syndrome, autoimmune and allergic diseases, eating disorders, sleep disorders and psychosomatic diseases. He has authored over 800 original scientific papers, and his work has been reported internationally in over 130,000 scientific publications (Hirsch 179), an irrefutable testimony of the importance and influence of his research (Google Scholar, April 2018). According to the Institute of Scientific Information, ISI is highly cited not only in Clinical Medicine, but also in Biology and Biochemistry, and the highest reported clinical pediatrician or endocrinologist worldwide. Prof. Chrousos has received numerous international awards for his work. In 2011, he was honored with US Congress Department John Kluge. In 2014, she was awarded the highest US Fred Conrad Koch Award of the US Endocrine Society. He is an elected member of the National Medical Academy of the USA, Washington, DC, and the European Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts (Academia Europaea, London, UK).         Dr. Ioannis Anastasiou, Physicist, Ph.D, Volos, Greece Dr. Anastasiou studied physics in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Nuclear mechanics (Canada, USA), Business Administration (France). Worked in nuclear-electric industry, as a consultant for business  and civil sector , concerning high technology , strategic and civil European research affairs.  As a concerned scientist facing science’s very own weaknesses towards the most important quests for truth concerning the laws of nature and humans, he studied multiple innovative scientific sources (medicine, biology, psychology, physics, etc.) and realized the basic structures that define the unity of humans and the nature of its reality that bind together in order to reinvent our balance.       Dr. A. Sakellaropοulos MD, Pulmonologist, PCCM, Athens, Greece Antonios Sakellaropoulos studied Medicine and specialized in Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine. It presents extensive research work with a number of international medical publications. He applies Classic Medicine and Alternative Holistic Therapies. He specializes in the Medicine of Wellbeing and Physical Empowerment.             Dr Konstantina Theodoratou MD, Med Psych. MSc Guangzhou University, President of Icmart, President of Samag, Athens, Greece Konstantina Theodoratou after completing her medical degree at the University of Athens  and practicing Western Medicine as a family doctor, went to China to study Acupuncture in Tianjin and Beijing Universities. She further deepened her studies in Guangzhou (Canton) University where she obtained her MSc in Acupuncture. She has also specialized in Medical Psychology, Addiction Counseling, Health Coaching, Neuroscience and Psychological diseases at the University of Athens. Honorary Diploma in Acupuncture ICMART 2007, Honorary Award at ICMART World Congress 2009, First Award at the University of Athens 2016 for her interdisciplinary experience. She has participated in research, mostly concerning behavior patterns in relation to Acupuncture conducted by the Academy of Athens Biomedical Institute, published papers in medical journals and lectured in various congresses. Currently she lectures at the Greek Institutes of Medical Acupuncture. Konstantina is the President of ICMART, International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques and the President of the Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece (SAMAG).         Dr Michael Tarabe, MD, MSc, PhD,  Dipl. BSBRM, FEBOPRAS, Plastic Surgeon, Athens, Greece Graduate Medical School University of Athens. Received the specialty of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in England where he practiced plastic surgery for several years. After his return to Greece he worked in the NHS where he offered his services as a Consultant in Latsio Burn Center and Plastic Surgery at Thriassion General Hospital of Elefsis West Attica. Awarded the Fellowship  of the European Board of Plastic Surgeons in 1994, (successful Fellowship examinations) (Fellow of the European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery). FEBOPRAS. Doctorate of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of Athens since 2004 (PhD).
  • Full member of the Greek Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery since 1993.
  • Founding member of the Greek Society of Wound Healing and Ulcers.
  • Published Articles : Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, Burns, British Journal of Dermatology.
  • Training in Bioenergetic Medicine (London, England).
  • Diploma (Honors 1st) British Society for Bioregulatory Medicine
  • Diploma in TCM Acupuncture Training in Homotoxicology, TFT Therapy and Reiki
        Dr Georgios J. Bellos, MD, PhD, MR CGP, MEPMA, Athens, Greece Dr. G. Bellos was born in SACRED (officially) city of Missolonghi, student in high school there and Athens and graduated from National and Kapodistrian University in Athens-Medical School. Then trained 3 years in General Practice/Family Medicine in Athens, and 2 years in Social Medicine-Public Health Medicine Crete-Medical School at Heraklion from which he was awarded my PhD in medical education. His first appointment was in Crete as Medical Director and continued in Athens Koropi Health Centre. Member of Royal College of GP’s London after a scholarship, with special training in Mental Health Promotion and Prevention, Health care management special training and Molecular-Functional Medicine. His last but not least interest, since he’s on medical acupuncture training scheme in Athens, is on the connection of molecular-personalized medicine with TCM and the electromagnetic human bio-fields.           Dr Aggeliki Tsirigoti, Dental Surgeon, Athens, Greece Dr. Aggeliki Tsirigoti graduated from Dental School of Athens University in 1980 and right after she specialized at maxillofacial surgery. After she visited the Acupuncture Tianjin Hospital in China in 1993 she decided to further investigate the challenge of acupuncture application in dentistry. So she studied and got the Acupuncture Certification from Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture, Greece. Also she deepens her studies by getting the Diploma of Acupuncture Teacher. Since then she is practicing dentistry and acupuncture in Athens. Aggeliki experts in acupuncture preoperatively and postoperatively applications. Recently she became a member of the Board of Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture in Greece and elected as the General Secretary of the association. She works as the Head of the Acu-Dental department of ATC, teaches acupuncture in Greece and lecturing in various congresses. Dr. Tsirigoti is one of the first dentists that add acupuncture in the simple dental treatment to provide a better result to her patients. As a very well experienced dentist-acupuncturist she loves to spread her knowledge to more and more colleagues every year.             Evdokia Tsalkama, DVM Equine Practitioner, Athens, Greece Graduated from Szent Istvan University department of Veterinary Science, in Budapest Hungary. Working for the past 14 years as a veterinarian, co-owner of a mixed practice veterinary clinic (small animals and equines) in Northern Greece . Volunteered Vet for the equine clinic 2004 Olympics and Paralympics and CSIO **** in Athens October 2004. Studied Veterinary acupuncture and currently is in charge of the Veterinary division of the Scientific Association of Medical Acupuncture of Greece. Future vet member of the Local board of horse riding of Northern Greece for the endurance discipline. Member of HVA(Hellenic Veterinary Association) and AFA (American Farriers Association).Other fields of interests include working on orthopedic shoeing cases, adhesive hoof materials used for hoof restoration and hoof deformities. Interested on exercising amateur farriery utilizing both cold or hot shaping and shoeing.           Nikolaos Magalios – Personal Development Trainer – B.A. Psychology, – B.Sc Administrative, Herakleio, Greece He works as a Personal Development Trainer in Athens and Heraklion, using profound relaxation techniques, top performance strategies and emotional release techniques. He first studied Business Administration and then Psychology. He then attended Physical Psychotherapy lessons (Athens), trained in neurofeedback (Prague), Hypnosis, Neurological Programming (NLP) and Time-Line Therapy (London) as well as the creation of personalized CD Brain Training (Warsaw). Since then, he has participated in many educational and seminar-oriented therapies and self-knowledge. In 2003, he founded the Psychophysiological Education Workshop in Athens, believing that through healing, education and systematic work, we can show our true self. In 2004 he received the Greek Red Cross Samaritan Award. He is the author of the “Heart Path” and “NLP: The Way of Diversity” educational and experiential courses. He is a member of the Board of Directors  of the Urban Non Profit Society “A Dream for Greece” and member of KINSEP “Melitakes”.        

Vangelis Vertopoulos, BA Marketing/BSc Psychology/MSc Sport Psychology/REBT Therapist/Coach/Sport Psychology Counselor, Athens, Greece

Evangelos Vertopoulos studied Psychology in London Metropolitan University and had his Postgraduate Degree from the OU and his MSc in Sport & Exercise Psychology from Staffordshire University. He trained in Rational Emotive and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Coaching. In his private practice he focuses on:
  • Adolescents and adults psychotherapy
  • Counselling for professional and amateur athletes, coaches and families.
  • Executive coaching
  • Design and implementation of training workshops on topics of psychology and coaching
His multifaceted academic and professional experience from the fields of Psychology, Business and Sports, gives him the ability to design comprehensive programs that rely on scientific knowledge and at the same time are realistic and practical.       Pelina Evangelou, Music Therapist, Athens, Greece Pelina Evangelou works as a music therapist at “Amimoni”, a Day Center for Visually Impaired People with Additional Disabilities (since 2006), she is the Head of the Music Therapy Department of Philippos Nakas  Conservatory in Athens (since 2012) and the scientific director of the ‘Music Therapy and Community Music Therapy Institute’ of the non-profit organization “EDRA”. She is a Founding Member of the Hellenic Association of Certified Professional Music Therapists. She holds degrees in Advanced Theory of Music and she has studied Piano, Guitar, Voice and Music for Theatre. Ms. Evangelou completed the three-year Post-Graduate Music Therapy Program, conducted by the Conservatory Music College and the Music Therapy Center of Thessaloniki in Greece, with the scientific collaboration of the respective program of NYU, USA and continued her studies in New York University’s Masters Degree Program in Music Therapy (NY,USA). Since 2001 she has worked with many client groups in USA and Greece (Rehabilitation Clinic, Center of Light, Bronx, NY, USA; Mental Health Institute for Children and Adults, Athens, Greece etc.). Since 2009 she is practicing and developing the Community Music Therapy approach. She has participated as a lecturer at conferences and meetings (30th ISME World Conference on Music Education, Greece, 2012; 13th World Congress of Music Therapy,WFMT, Seoul, Korea, 2011 etc.) and has co-authored two books with topics on music therapy.